In-game Name and Current Server: Draggo & Dragonaut both on Quetz, Draggo is pretty much my mule now, use for duel boxing, widescan. (Name was Tyco on Odin most of you probably remember me from woopa/mooglelounge)
- Jobs at 75: Blm, Pld, War, Sam, Drg, Rdm
- Do you have all of the appropriate sub jobs levelled? (E.g. RDM/DRK, SAM/THF): Yes all normal subs @37+
- How many Merits do you have? What have these been used on? Lost track a long time ago but I'd guess 250+
8/8 MP
Str lvl 4 (been meaning to finish)
Enmity lvl 3
Crit Lvl 4
Enfeebling 8/8
Elemental 4/8
Great Axe lvl 4
Sword lvl 4
Great Katana lvl 4
Shield lvl 4
Polearm lvl 4
5/5 Double Attack
Warriors Charge
Berserk & Aggresor lvl 2
Ice 5/5
Lightning 5/5
Freeze II
Burst II
Tornado II
Rdm (still working on merits)
Convert lvl 2
Slow II
Paralyze II
Haven't done acc yet but seem to land enfeebs np with gear i have.
5/5 Sentinal
4/5 Shield Bash
Chivalry lvl 2
Guardian lvl 2
5/5 Med
5/5 Store tp
5/5 Overwhelm
Blade Bash
- Notable gear/items for your jobs:
Weapon = Haut,Joy,Justice,Hrotti,
Shield= Koenig
Head= Bahamut Mask, Turban, Askar, Kaiser, Valor, Iron Ram
Neck= Ritter,Parade,Fort torque, shield torque
Ear= Loq,Ethernal,Brutal
Body= Ares, Koenig, Nuevo (fastcast 5 enmity 5) Iron Ram
Hands= Homam, Askar, Valor, Iron Ram
Ring= Hercules,Mermaid,Bomb Queen,Jelly,Iota
Back= Cerb, Boxers, Resentment
Waist= Swift, Warewolf
Legs= Homam,Crimsom,Valor
Feet= Homam,Gallant +1,Askar,Valor
Weapon= Perdu, Byakko, Fort Axe
Head= Askar, Hecatomb
Neck= Fort Torque,snow gorget
Ear= Ethernal,Brutal,Bushi
Body= Ares
Hands=Askar, Hecatomb
Ring= Snipers +1str, Iota,Flame,
Back= Cerb
Waist= Swift,Warewolf
Legs= Haidate,Relic,Aurum
Feet=Aurum, Hecatomb
Weapon= Sold hagun and so far junk augments from weapon fight ><
Head= Aces's helm,
Neck= Kubira,snow gorget, flame gorget
Ear= Bushi, Brutal
Body= Haub,Askar
Hands= Askar, Alky
Ring= Snipers +1str, Iota,Flame,
Waist= Swift,Warewolf
Back= Cerb
Legs= both Haidate
Weapon= Skystrider
Head= Ace's,Hecatomb
Neck= Kubira,Flame gorget
Ear= Ethernal,Minuet,Brutal,Bushi
Body= Ares,Askar
Hands= Homam,Hecatomb
Ring= Snipers +1str, Iota,Flame,
Waist= Swift,Warewolf
Back= Cerb
Legs= Homam,Aurum,Crimsom
Most HQ Staves, Seveneyes lol
Head= Goliard, Sorcerer's,Wizard+1
Neck= Morgana,Elemental,Ugg pendant,dark torque,
Ear= Loq,Moldy
Body= Dalmy,Weskit,Goliard,
Hands= Zenith,Mastercasters,Goliard,oracles
Ring=Omega Ring
Back= Aslan,Gleeman's
Waist=Pent, Thunder,ice,dark obi's
Legs= Nash,Mahatma,Sorcerer's
Feet= Goliard
Most HQ Staves, Seveneyes
Head= Goliard,Warlock,Duelist
Neck= Morgana,Elemental,Ugg pendant,dark torque,Enfeebling
Ear= Loq,Moldy
Body= Dalmy,Warlock,Duelist,Goliard,
Hands= Zenith,Mastercasters,Goliard,Duelist
Ring=Omega Ring
Back= Aslan,Gleeman's
Waist=Pent, Thunder,ice,dark obi's
Legs= Nash,Mahatma,Crimsom,Duelist
Feet= Goliard,Duelist
I may have forgoten a few things so if anything is obvious I most likely have it.
- What Time Zone are you in? and what times do you play the game?
CST and i'm usually on during the day from around 8-10am till Midnight or so, but on and off I do try to have a life outside this game lol
- Do you have access to all areas of the game? (All Outposts, All past maws, All expansions, etc.)
- Do you have Access to Dynamis - Xarcabard and Dynamis – Tavnazia? Yes
- Reason for leaving past Linkshell(s) and Server(s) [If applicable]: Left Odin because I needed a break from HNM (woopa/mooglelounge) and I had a few friends here that joined Leonine/Vanq. Left on good terms and still talk to some of the cooler memebers. This was a few months ago though so I've been itching for something to do again.
- How much end game experience do you have? I have killed pretty much everything a bunch of times. Only thing I don't really have experience with is the new (S) area's nm's
- Are you prepared to drop whatever you are doing (In game), and run to Cerberus/Khimaira/Tiamat/Sandworm/Dark Ixion the second they pop? Sure, I'm used to it.
- Do you play on PC? Yes
- Do you have access to Ventrilo? A lot of important discussion (and no so important) takes place there so it is highly recommended, even if you do not have a mic. Yes
- Any other information you want to add: Not too much to say, xdark,aragon and a few others mentioned I should try to join and I recognize quite a few ppl in the shell, probably more that changed their names from Odin. Also good friends with Boo and Skeelo who I found out is just applying as well. I started doing Einjerjar with some of you as well. I'm a really layed back player but I can still get stuff done, I tend to not get involved in drama and just enjoy killing shit. Looking forward to hopefully meeting you all, take care